you discover amazing artists and photographers from the Caucasus region
you witness new visual ideas
you support Caucasian artists
you document and save Contemporary art
you brighten your life style and influence, your daily feelings and thoughts by living with art
you may do a good financial investment by buying the right artists, but as this could be a lottery , you should rather buy what you really like
you prove the growing role of the internet for the artistic livelihoods and the growing independence of the artists by breaking the monopolies of traditional art galleries and the old art market
How ?
Most works on this blog are for sale. Check out the Saatchi Online page of Hans
the works of other Georgian artists will be available online soon or have a look at our digital art prints on Etsy
There is a real story behind this series. About how my grandfather Karl Schnick landed in 1942 with a German submarine at the coast of the Mediterranian Sea near the Turkish- Syrian border and organized a caravan to bring technical equipment through Kurdistan to Mount Ararat. At Ararat close to Soviet Armenia he built a radiostation to send and receive messages and to intercept the Soviet radio traffic. He was a spy for German Abwehr, lead by Admiral Canaris